ASTM A213 TP321 1.4541不锈钢无缝光亮退火管
A213 TP321是由321奥氏体不锈钢制成的热交换器管的规范。A213规定了不同材料等级的换热器管道产品,包括铁素体钢和奥氏体钢。裕鸿集团是一家供应各类不锈钢管材的企业。A213 TP321材料的特殊之处在于其成分包括钛,这降低了ASTM A213 TP321.的密度,因此使其重量轻。
WEIGHT % | NI | CR | MN | C | SI | S | P |
MIN | 9.00 | 17.00 |
MAX | 12.00 | 19.00 | 2.00 | .080 | 1.00 | .030 | .045 |
ASTM A213 TP321 Mechanical Properties:
Density | 8.0 g/cm³ |
Melting Point | 1454 °C (2650 °F) |
Tensile Strength | Psi – 75000 , MPa – 515 |
Yield Strength (0.2%Offset) | Psi – 30000 , MPa – 205 |
Elongation | 35 % |
ASTM A213 Stainless Steel Tubes Outside Diameter and Wall Thickness Tolerance
OD, mm | OD Tolerance |
< 25.4 | +/- 0.10 |
25.4 – <= 38.1 | +/- 0.15 |
> 38.1 -< 50.8 | +/- 0.20 |
50.8 -< 63.5 | +/- 0.25 |
63.5 -< 76.2 | +/- 0.30 |
76.2 – <= 101.6 | +/- 0.38 |
> 101.6 – <= 190.5 | +0.38/-0.64 |
> 190.5 – <= 228.6 | +0.38/-1.14 |
OD, mm | WT Tolerance |
<= 38.1 | +20%/-0 |
> 38.1 | +22%/-0 |
ASTM A213 TP321 Stainless Steel Seamless Pipes Physical Properties
*Physical properties of 321 grade stainless steel in the annealed condition
Grade | Density (kg/m³) | Elastic Modulus (GPa) | Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (μm/m/°C) | Thermal Conductivity (W/m.K) | Specific Heat 0-100°C (J/kg.K) | Electrical Resistivity (nΩ.m) |
0-100°C | 0-315°C | 0-538°C | at 100°C | at 500°C |
321 | 8027 | 193 | 16.6 | 17.2 | 18.6 | 16.1 | 22.2 | 500 | 720 |
Equivalent Material for 321 Grade Stainless Steel
Grade | UNS No | Old British | Euronorm | Swedish SS | Japanese JIS |
BS | En | No | Name |
321 | S32100 | 321S31 | 58B, 58C | 1.4541 | X6CrNiTi18-10 | 2337 | SUS 321 |